Château NoElle

When we found the property in 1997 that has become our labor of love, it was after looking at 30 (or more!) listed properties in the Snoqualmie Valley with "Lance the Land Man”. Though we tried (and tried, and tried) nothing we had seen seemed to feel like “home”.
Luckily, Lance knew the owners of a large tract of land which included this particular parcel along with several others, having done lot line work for them to create the lots more than a decade prior. He suggested we take a look, and if we had any interest at all, he would see if they might be willing to sell. We did, and we were but, they were not.
At that point, Tom asked for the number of the property owner and spoke directly with Bonnie Orme, who was then in her 70’s. Once she learned of our hopes of raising our family on the property and building our life here, she agreed to sell and even gave us our choice of several lots — at a non-negotiable price! We picked the only lot that would have ever been appropriate for a vineyard 18 years before we even thought about planting one. And now, here we are planting vines and making wine in our little slice of heaven on earth.